Car Key Services
Lost All Keys
If you have lost all the keys to your vehicle, do not panic, simply call Extra Locksmith in Provo and we will be able to help you get on your way. Depending on the kind of vehicle you have the procedure to make you a new car key may very. The majority of vehicles have something knows as a Vehicle Identification Number (VIN). Our locksmith technicians have special software which can use the VIN of your car to get all sorts of information towards making you a car key such as the type of blade of the key, the kind of transponder your car key has, and whether or not it has one in the first place. With many cars, however, it is possible to use different techniques to make you a car key. The locksmith may choose to remove your ignition and cut you a key based on the key code within the ignition. Another option with certain cars is to remove a door lock, trunk lock, or glove box lock to cut your key using codes on those locks.
Emergency Key
Have you ever been in a scenario where you have locked yourself out of your vehicle without a spare key in hand. It is for situations like this that Extra Locksmith in Provo offers our emergency key services. An emergency key is simply a metal key that you can use to unlock your door, but not start your vehicle. This way you can keep your emergency key handy if you ever lock yourself out of your vehicle. You can then also be sure that if anyone gets a hold of your emergency key they will not be able to use it to steal your vehicle, just unlock your door.
Spare Key Duplication
It is almost always cheaper to make spare key based off of an existing one rather than making one from scratch. That is why if you are down to your last car key it is always a good idea to duplicate another one and have a spare key available. It is normally cheaper to duplicate a key rather than create one once all your keys have been lost because a large chunk of the cost associated with creating a key from scratch is obtaining the information about the depths of the cuts of the key. If you already have a spare key the depths can usually be obtained simply by using a machine or if you are really good, your eyes, to see the depths of the cuts of the current key and use that information to duplicate a new one.
Ignition Cylinder Services
Ignition Repair
An ignition works through a series of wafers and springs. The springs are elevated and which blocks the cylinder from turning inside of its housing. Once the proper key is inserted in the ignition the wafers should drop, allowing the sidebar to drop and the cylinder will then turn inside of the housing. It may sometimes be the case that one of the springs or wafers may be broken. If this is the case then the wafer will not contract when the proper key is put in. Our locksmith technicians may be able to take your ignition cylinder from out of your housing and replace or repair the broken parts.
Ignition replacement
Sometimes your ignition cylinder may be beyond repair. If this is the case then our locksmith technician will be able to replace the cylinder depending on the make model and year of your vehicle. This is usually done by finding a way to press the retainer pin of the cylinder, taking the ignition cylinder out, and putting a new one in. Just know that in the majority of cases your new ignition will have a different car key than your old ignition. This means that you will now most likely have a different key for the door than the ignition of your vehicle.
Transponder Key Services
Car Key Programming
Most modern cars come equipped with what is known as an immobilizer. This immobilizer serves as a security feature on modern vehicles. The immobilizer works through communicating with a transponder key using specific radio frequencies. When the right programmed car key is inserted the immobilizer enables the fuel pump of the car to be turned on. If this proper transponder key is not present then the immobilizer will shut the fuel pump of your car off and make you unable to drive. That is why you need a special programmed key to drive most modern cars. If you need your car key programmed simply call Extra Locksmith in Provo today.
Immobilizer Reset
Imagine you wake up and see that your car keys are suddenly missing. It may be possible that you have lost one of your keys or that someone may have stolen a copy of your car keys. Whatever the case maybe it is always good to do an immobilizer reset for your vehicle. An immobilizer reset will erase all currently programmed car keys. This means that if someone has unlawfully obtained a copy of your car key and tries to steal your vehicle they will not be able to do so after the immobilizer has been reset.