Push to Start

Extra Locksmith handles the majority of car keys and remotes for vehicles on the road today. This also includes push to start FOBs and their programming.

Lost Push to Start FOB

If you have lost all the keys to your vehicle and it is a push to start, give one of our dispatchers a call today. If your vehicle is not engaging and you do have the right key inside of the vehicle, it is simply possible that the FOBs battery is running low. You can test this with certain vehicles by putting the remote right up to the button, if it starts like this but the proximity features isn’t working then it is more than likely just a battery issue.


Remote Start vs Push to Start

Some cars have remote start in addition to push to start. These are not the same. A car can have a normal key in ignition and still have a remote start. Or it can be a push to start but not have a remote start function. If your vehicle comes stock with a remote start option, it is possible that you simply don’t have the right key for it. If you would like to find out if we can program one a key with remote start for your vehicle, give us a call today.

Proximity and Twist to Start

There are some Dodge, chrysler, and jeep cars that have the proximity, push to start option, as well as the option to simply stick the FOBIK key in the ignition. Some of these cars come equipped with both options, the only difference being that the price on the remote with the proximity feature is much more expensive. On these cars there will be the push to start button which can be popped off with a flathead. There are also cars with the twist to start option. These cars can be used with either a key, or a fob. The key would need to be inserted into the ignition to twist it, while the fob can be used in a proximity manner, in which you would still need to twist the ignition, but you wouldn’t have to actually insert the fob.

extralocksmith services

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Utah County


Monday: 7:00am – 11:00PM Tuesday: 7:00am – 11:00PM Wednesday: 7:00am – 11:00PM Thursday: 7:00am – 11:00PM Friday: 7:00am – 11:00PM Saturday: 7:00am – 11:00PM Sunday: 7:00am – 11:00PM



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